2022 Edition
19th Summer school dedicated to
Food & Drink Studies
From Monday 29th August to Saturday 3rd September 2022
Domaine de la Croix Montoire, Tours (France)
Since 2003, the IEHCA’s summer program has served as a key platform for the discussion of new research in Food & Drink Studies. This 2022 edition will expand its horizon. What are the major food and drink issues and interests currently being explored in anthropology, history, literary studies, sociology, and other disciplines? What trends have emerged over time? How can current research advance future research?
Leading Food and Drink specialists from various disciplines will explore such questions using their research and invite summer program attendees to present their ongoing projects to an international audience in a stimulating and supportive atmosphere.
As on previous occasions, academic debates at our attractive venue overlooking Tours city centre will be complemented by informal exchange with other specialists, opportunities for personal study (not least in the rich holdings of the IEHCA library), engagement with regional culinary cultures and field trips to congenial sites in the area.
Due to current health context, this 19th edition will be held at the Domaine de la Croix Montoire in strict compliance with the health protocols that will be imposed on us next summer.
Specific adaptations will therefore be developed via a secure platform (Agora). Access to the platform will be exclusively reserved for speakers and candidates and will allow access to all the resources made available (courses, programs, contacts, bibliographic and educational resources, etc.).
Pedagogical structure of the summer school
1) Lectures : Six lectures will be led by recognized experts on topics relating to method, theory, approach, sources. Each lecture is 1h30 long and will be followed by discussions/debate.
2) Student research presentations to our participants and teaching staff : Presentations will be kept to a strict 15 minutes duration (not including Q&A). Their presentation will be followed by a general discussion involving both the professors present and their peers. Two students will be selected to comment on their text (5 minutes) to start up a discussion (10 minutes). We expect presentations / discussions to be in English.
3) One-on-One workshops or time for personal work : Several slots will be available for students interested in individualized meetings with the teaching staff.
4) Cultural events & non-academic activity : Cultural activities will be offered to complement the educational program during the week such as visit to the market, wine tasting rare grape varieties, cinema & debate, visit castel ad garden
Conditions of registration
> Our capacity will not exceed 15 students.
> All discussions are conducted in English and no knowledge of other languages is necessary. Participants wishing to hold their talks in French, Spanish, German or Italian may do so, but will be expected to provide extended abstracts in English.
Teaching staff
Academic guidance will be provided by the following scholars specializing in different areas of food and drink studies:
Christophe BRESSAC
Associate Professor of biology-agrosciences
University of Tours (France)
Caroline LARDY
Senior Lecturer in cinema studies
University of Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Associate Professor of Philology
University of Bialystok (Poland)
Professor of Food Studies
Université of New-York (USA)
Associate professor of sociology
University of Tours (France)
Deborah TONER
Associate Professor of History
Leicester University (UK)
Network Alumni
This research network aims to be a breeding ground to facilitate the creation of teams who can organise and lead the institute’s conferences and training programmes, and the European summer campus (‘campus d’été’), in addition to research groups – whether one-off or more long-term – structured around specific projects.
Finally, the work of those people who are linked with this large galaxy of specialists is regularly published in ‘Food & History’ and ‘Cahiers de la Gastronomie’ (Gastronomic Notebooks). As the access point to this network, the IEHCA has compiled a directory of researchers.
We are pleased to invite all Food Studies researchers to complete the registration form to be included in this directory by clicking here.